Our Diamonds
We don’t sell just any old diamond. Learn more about our diamonds and what to think about when making your own purchase.
Are a girl’s best friend
At Carters, we only deal in natural diamonds and not laboratory grown diamonds, ensuring that purchases from Carters will retain their value for resale at a much later date.
When looking to invest in diamond jewellery, familiarise yourself with the 4’C’s before you start, or pop down to Carters and we can talk you through it whilst showing you some examples
The way the diamond is cut and polished has a great effect on how much sparkle it will emit. The symmetry, proportioning and polishing is an important aspect in determining the brilliance of the diamond.
Although most stones appear colourless, many actually have pale yellow tones. The grading system for diamond colour goes from ‘D’ to ‘Z’. The closer a stone is to colourless the more valuable it is. With ideal, colourless stones as ‘D’, stones with noticeable colour go down the scale and in value, depending on how strong the colour is.
Clarity refers to imperfections or inclusions in the diamond. The placement of a stone within the diamond clarity scale is dependent on the number, type and placement of the inclusions.
The size of the stone has an effect on what type of jewellery it is used for as well as how expensive it is. There are of course other factors that can determine the value of a stone and these include the colour and clarity